#include#include #include #include #include #include #include int vAppLogPrintf( uint8_t *buff, uint32_t len ){ int f_log; f_log = open( "log.txt", O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0755 ); if( f_log < 0 ) { return -1; } //将文件写入指针 移动到文件结尾 lseek( f_log, 0, SEEK_END ); //将消息缓冲区 写入到文件 write( f_log, buff, len ); close( f_log ); return 0;}int appLogPrintf(const char *fmt, ...){ va_list args; int r,printed_len; static char printk_buf[1024]; va_start(args, fmt); /* Emit the output into the temporary buffer */ printed_len = vsnprintf(printk_buf, sizeof(printk_buf), fmt, args); va_end(args); return vAppLogPrintf( printk_buf, printed_len );}int main( int argc, char **argv ){ time_t systemTimeNow; for( ;; ) { systemTimeNow = time( NULL );/* 获取当前系统时间 */ appLogPrintf( "hello,world,%s\n", ctime( &systemTimeNow ) ); printf( "hello,world,%s\n", ctime( &systemTimeNow ) ); sleep( 1 ); }}